Southern Raiders Band

Category: Music
Duration: 00:06:29
Duration: 00:06:29
Raise Southern Dixie (Remix-2017)©®
Incredible Rock~ Short Story, about a Southern Dixie-Belle and a Northern Union Soldier that unfortunately met at the wrong place, Mason Dixie Line, wrong time, Civil War Era, and with this in mind, need I say more? Great intro, acoustic Spanish style guitar work, an awesome short story body and concluding with a great mix of event sounds including, horse hoofs clicking, cannons, a Civil War drum march and what sounds like a missile-not sure where that came from. J WOW! This could be a movie…
Hope you enjoy, just trying to get our music out to you & we do appreciate your time and support if you deem worthy & please tell a friend...
Johnny Abbott ~ Lead Guitar ~ Acoustic ~ Lead-Slide Guitar
Lee Butcher ~ Lead Vocal ~ Bass Guitar
Rus Michael ~ Lead Guitar ~ Keyboard ~Vocal ~ Lip Quiver
Toby Smith ~ Drums ~ Percussion ~ Vocal ~ Drum Effects
** Special Appearance By Musicians & Friends **
Richard Mogridge-Keyboard-Synthesizer
Dwight Waters - Pedal Steel
Recorded at Underground Recording - Knoxville TN: - Producer and Engineer- Matt Lincoln
Mastered by: SEVA
Incredible Rock~ Short Story, about a Southern Dixie-Belle and a Northern Union Soldier that unfortunately met at the wrong place, Mason Dixie Line, wrong time, Civil War Era, and with this in mind, need I say more? Great intro, acoustic Spanish style guitar work, an awesome short story body and concluding with a great mix of event sounds including, horse hoofs clicking, cannons, a Civil War drum march and what sounds like a missile-not sure where that came from. J WOW! This could be a movie…

Johnny Abbott ~ Lead Guitar ~ Acoustic ~ Lead-Slide Guitar
Lee Butcher ~ Lead Vocal ~ Bass Guitar
Rus Michael ~ Lead Guitar ~ Keyboard ~Vocal ~ Lip Quiver
Toby Smith ~ Drums ~ Percussion ~ Vocal ~ Drum Effects
** Special Appearance By Musicians & Friends **
Richard Mogridge-Keyboard-Synthesizer
Dwight Waters - Pedal Steel
Recorded at Underground Recording - Knoxville TN: - Producer and Engineer- Matt Lincoln
Mastered by: SEVA